Junta de Programas para África

Nathan Mwesigye Byamukama

Mr. Nathan Mwesigye Byamukama is a Regional Director of the Kampala-based Regional Training Facility (RTF) on Prevention of Sexual and Gender Based Violence, an Institution of 12 Member States of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR). Nathan joined the ICGLR in 2007 as a Programe Officer for cross cutting issues and his TOR included the implementation of the ICGLR Protocol on Prevention and Suppression of Sexual and Gender-based Violence Against Women and Children in the Great Lakes Region (2006) in which the Regional Training Facility is embedded. He was also endorsed by an ICGLR Heads of State meeting in Lusaka in 2010 as a Secretary to the Regional Committee on Prevention of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, which he spearheaded in all 12 ICGLR countries over a period of 6 years making him instrumental in the the establishment of National Committees on Prevention of Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and All Forms of Discrimination in member states. Prior to joining the ICGLR, Mr. Byamukama worked with the Uganda Human Rights Commission for 10 years, leaving the institution at the rank of Director, covering Human Rights Treaty Monitoring and Investigations. Mr. Byamukama is trained in human rights law, political science, peace and security, and international relations. He previously taught at the University of Zimbabwe and worked with research institutions in Zimbabwe and Belgium in the 1990s. He studied political science and law at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and also holds a Master of Science in International Relations from the University of Zimbabwe. He is married with four children.
