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January 18, 2023


In coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Ombudsman, Paraguay has organized a launching meeting for the Paraguayan national initiative. All Ministries are invited, and the goal of the meeting is to decide how best to implement genocide prevention throughout the Paraguayan government as well as civil society, in the form of non-governmental organizations, and also a specific emphasis on the national student body. The initiative will involve major civil society actors in the implementation and evaluation of its future actions. This will also serve to inform all of the appropriate institutions of the Network and its goals, and will make it that much easier for all who are interested to become involved in the process of implementing the curriculum within their respective Ministries. A planning meeting was held on 17 October of 2012, between AIPR, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Ombudsman, to discuss the specifics of the above-mentioned launching meeting. The structure as well as the official date of the launching meeting was agreed upon; it will take place on 17-19 April 2013. The launching meeting will consist of three days, the first being purely informational, while the second will introduce the first module of genocide prevention to its participants, to help begin the process of constructing a national strategy on genocide prevention. The third day will feature working groups and discussions with major civil society actors and a tour of historical sites of mass atrocities.
Sheri P. Rosenberg

Documentos de orientación y notas informativas sobre prevención

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Informes de investigación y libros blancos

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SNCF Papers

Llenar el silencio: Un estudio sobre la historia corporativa del Holocausto y la naturaleza de la memoria corporativa
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Instituto Auschwitz Informes anuales

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Recursos de formación

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Folleto sobre los mecanismos nacionales de prevención del genocidio y otros crímenes atroces (2015-2018)

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Informes anuales de la Red Latinoamericana para la Prevención del Genocidio y Atrocidades Masivas

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